If only more senior recruiters were like Celarity’s Brendan Haugo. Unfortunately, his kind of raw, natural talent for searching databases, prescreening candidates, matching talent with opportunity and working as a team player can only be formed over long geological periods. (Or through the diligent development of personal natural resources, such as the industriousness and initiative Brendan displayed as a teen at his first job-lawn mowing and working at “irrigation installation,” aka putting in sprinklers.)
One may ask, then, what kind of ecosystem could produce such an organism as Brendan? Planted and grown in Eden Prairie, Brendan branched out to attend Iowa State University, earning a BS in marketing.
His personal goal to visit every national park in the United States
Never one to conserve his energy, he blossomed with marketing internships at the Soil and Water Conservation Society and a process engineering firm, followed by three years of recruiting experience at a metro area talent recruiting firm.
In his natural habitat, Brendan leads a wild life by running half marathons, backpacking, boating and sailing while he cultivates his dream of visiting all the national parks in the country. On occasion, one might even discover him sitting dormant, watching cheesy old westerns on TV.
In the final analysis, it can be said that Brendan has prospered where he’s been planted, striking the perfect balance between his boyhood ambition of working for the DNR and his natural talent for building relationships with people. By anyone’s reckoning, this qualifies him as something of a rare species.
*Certified Staffing Professional (CSP)