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Jamie Duong

Marketing Director

For Celarity’s Marketing Director Jamie Duong, life is a movable feast, a buffet of bounty, and a banquet of abundance. Since childhood she’d had a hunger for adventure, going bananas on the ski slopes as a toddler and letting the thought of growing up to be a thespian simmer in her brain.

After high school, Jamie put her acting ambitions on the back burner. Instead, she beat a path to Belmont College in Nashville, TN where she figured studying songwriting would be a piece of cake. But after a year, she woke up and smelled the coffee recognizing that the freelance writing lifestyle just wasn’t her cup of tea. She headed back to Minnesota, where she earned her degree at the U of M. Now she was cooking!

Intent on bringing home the bacon, Jamie started her first plumb role as the sole marketer at a healthcare startup. After that, she made her bread and butter as a marketer at a tech consultancy. It was there she met the apple of her eye, her husband Kevin. Because they didn’t want to stir the pot and mix up their personal and professional lives, Jamie returned to the healthcare industry as a marketing manager, eventually rising to the top of the food chain as director of marketing. Now at Celarity, this one smart cookie oversees marketing and communications.

In her free time, Jamie savors the flavor of momming her little peanuts, baking, and fostering dogs. Life is sweet.

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